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How would you end yourself?


I think I’d rent a boat. Maybe hire a foreign hooker who I can bang and who can take the boat back after. I’d go far away enough that I can’t see land on the horizon and then I’d swim too far away from the boat to be able to swim back.


i would love to drown tbh, so i relate but i’d want to be alone for it

i’ve been given fentanyl a few times in the hospital and it would definitely be that

just go somewhere quiet, take a bunch and fall asleep and never wake up.

Master of War

Inert gas asphyxiation. I have easy access to liquid helium and liquid nitrogen. Fool proof, unlikely to hurt anybody else, and can be done away from people with no electricity so nobody I care about has to find the body.

Edited by MasterOfMagic at 2021-06-16 12:42:412021-06-16 12:42
Trying too hard


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